Australia’s real estate leads the world in environmental standards. We have the greenest real estate on earth alongside New Zealand.

Australia’s real estate leads the world in environmental standards. We have the greenest real estate on earth alongside New Zealand.
Sitting is the new smoking with many illnesses now blamed on a lifetime of sitting in your office.
Potential solid waste resulting from disposal of redundant office furniture is now widely acknowledged as a significant environmental challenge.
Is it art or is it furniture? Well, it’s both thanks to the Japanese American sculptor Isamu Noguch who ‘created his distinctive table by joining a curved, wood base with a freeform glass top’. Isamu has created sculptures out of nearly every material known to man and of nearly everything. In Isamu’s world, everything is […]
We have only 3 of these available through our WISE Program so call us now, your office deserves the best!
It wasn’t that long ago that we had our own private cubicles, with little distraction but a few phone calls during an 8 hour work day.
Our WISE Program is concerned with the entire life cycle of the furniture we sell. Look for trusted certification when buying office furniture.
Greg Hicks has built a 92 meter high office building at 115 King William St, Adelaide.