Office Workstation


  • MT071-6 Confair Folding Table Folding Table by Wilkhahn Designer: Andreas Störiko


    Desk sharing, adaptable cooperation, and the temporary inclusion of independent contractors into project teams have all become essential components of our everyday work lives. It is therefore past due for this to also be reflected in the workplace.

    Because of this, we created a conference table that can handle both lone users and groups of eight. This may be quickly folded up and rolled to the side of the room. It can also be joined with other tables to create a conference table configuration.

    As long as the atmosphere supports creativity, everyone can express it. The Confair folding table offers you the best circumstances for unrestricted personal growth.Confair foldable tables make it simple to use well-designed conference and meeting spaces in a variety of ways.

    The portable folding tables may be set up and moved about by only one person, without the need for any equipment, unlocking or releasing techniques, or specialized knowledge. The conference tables can be connected in any orientation thanks to snap connectors. Conference or project work tables can be quickly converted into a large conference arrangement if partitions are used to divide up the rooms. The idea that purchasing Confair foldable tables pays for itself so soon is encouraging.

    Has slight round staining on tabletop from previous use.


    Stock code MT071-6
    Dimensions1100 × 1800 × 725 mm
    Condition: Not new

    Price Details

    Price: $1,300.00 incl GST
    Quantity 2
    Availability In Stock
    Phone to purchase: 1300 298 578
    Email to purchase: Contact Us

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