Choosing manufactures that use sustainable materials will ensure that your office furniture won’t be landfilled at the end of its’ useful life.

Choosing manufactures that use sustainable materials will ensure that your office furniture won’t be landfilled at the end of its’ useful life.
Dismantling and bagging 1000 office chairs onsite for recycle.
Find our full Wise Office Furniture selection here
We are exited to announce the launch of our ‘Wise Office Furniture’ WISE CHOICE options.
Reusing office carpet tiles is not only sustainable and cost effective, it can look damn good too.
Egans are proud sponsors of the ACTS 2017 Australasian Campuses towards Sustainability Conference 2017 and Green Gown Awards which will be held in Melbourne this year.
Sitting is the new smoking with many illnesses now blamed on a lifetime of sitting in your office.
Is it art or is it furniture? Well, it’s both thanks to the Japanese American sculptor Isamu Noguch who ‘created his distinctive table by joining a curved, wood base with a freeform glass top’. Isamu has created sculptures out of nearly every material known to man and of nearly everything. In Isamu’s world, everything is […]
We have only 3 of these available through our WISE Program so call us now, your office deserves the best!