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Values Nomination

  • egans values icons

    Use this webform to nominate an Egans employee who demonstrates our values.

    Value Creation

    • Deliver the best outcomes, quality and value for money.
    • Create value by understanding customer needs and thinking differently to find solutions.
    • Complete our work efficiently, dependably and at the highest level of service.


    • Treat each other and our customers professionally and equitably.
    • Embrace diversity, be flexible and accommodating.
    • Be supportive, collaborate and seek to understand.


    • Improve our processes, outcomes and experiences through research and refinement.
    • Provide market and thought leadership by finding solutions to client and industry problems.
    • Explore new ideas and never stop looking for better ways to doing things.


    • Deliver the most sustainable outcomes for our clients and ourselves.
    • Follow best practice sustainability.
    • Drive greener actions and commit to reuse and proper recycling.