Risk Management


  • Corporate governance is central to informing Egans strategic decisions and delivering on our strategy through the reporting and monitoring of performance and risks.

    We appreciate that governance is the backbone for ensuring our sustainability commitments are translated into action, monitored, reported, and communicated transparently.

    Our policies and procedures underpin our legislative requirements and provide our employees with furtherdetails on how to maintain high ethical standards.
  • Governance

  • Zweite Furniture

    I recently had an exceptional furniture shopping experience at Egans, thanks to Prab's remarkable knowledge and helpfulness. He expertly guided me through the selection process with patience, providing insightful recommendations tailored to my needs. Prab's dedication to customer satisfaction and his expertise made my visit truly outstanding!

  • Lynette Mancheff

    Happy with service and purchases good quality with great prices.

  • Santhosh Bandaru

    Best place to buy office furniture very reasonable and affordable