The concept of offices can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where scribes and administrators worked in designated spaces.

The concept of offices can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where scribes and administrators worked in designated spaces.
Our South Australian office, warehouse and showroom have moved to 16 Coglin St, Brompton SA 5007. Pop in if your in the neighbourhood.
Our lives have changed fundamentally almost overnight. We have made radical adjustments to the way we live, work, and play.
Commercial office vacancy rates are so tight in Melbourne and Sydney’s central business districts that a business needs to plan their move at least 3 years ahead of move day.
You might not be able to go entirely off-grid just yet, but most offices and institutions can come closer than you might think.
Australia’s real estate leads the world in environmental standards. We have the greenest real estate on earth alongside New Zealand.
Sitting is the new smoking with many illnesses now blamed on a lifetime of sitting in your office.
It wasn’t that long ago that we had our own private cubicles, with little distraction but a few phone calls during an 8 hour work day.
Our WISE Program is concerned with the entire life cycle of the furniture we sell. Look for trusted certification when buying office furniture.