You might not be able to go entirely off-grid just yet, but most offices and institutions can come closer than you might think.

You might not be able to go entirely off-grid just yet, but most offices and institutions can come closer than you might think.
We are investing in our customers experience, to make sure that you get true value out of your visit to our Melbourne Showroom.
Give your office some flair with our WISE designer selection which includes the Cappellini Bong Coffee Table.
How to create an ‘office furniture reuse centre’ at the ACTS 2017 Australasian Campuses towards Sustainability Conference 2017 and Green Gown Awards.
We are exited to announce the launch of our ‘Wise Office Furniture’ WISE CHOICE options.
Egans are proud sponsors of the ACTS 2017 Australasian Campuses towards Sustainability Conference 2017 and Green Gown Awards which will be held in Melbourne this year.
Research Associate at RMIT University, Peter Mulherin will discuss alternative product stewardship models and opportunities in the office furniture industry.
Australia’s real estate leads the world in environmental standards. We have the greenest real estate on earth alongside New Zealand.
Sitting is the new smoking with many illnesses now blamed on a lifetime of sitting in your office.